creative legacy projects
every individual is unique
every legacy project is unique
the poetry of your life
Our Creative Legacy Project Service is dedicated to helping you navigate your memories for generations to come. Our projects are designed to capture your life story, memories, and experiences in a meaningful way. Most projects can begin with one meaningful photo and expand from there.
We offer a variety of creative formats to choose from, such as custom photo books, story books,
slideshows/videos, journals, legacy boxes, and more.
We will help you organize your legacy items and create a treasured heirloom for your family.
legacy project purpose...
discover your soul thread.
express your meaning - your why.
share your values, traditions, and stories.
maintain hope through purpose.
healing of regrets - celebrate the meaning moments.
curate the past, the present, and the future experiences.
share and inspire family, friends and community.
honor your life
legacy project outcomes...
sense your life's "knowing."
your purpose lived to the end.
sense of stillness and peace.
the joy of sharing your stories of values, beliefs, and traditions with loved ones.
celebration at honoring the great meaning in your life.
reduced emotional difficulty - absence of loneliness.
improved physical symptoms.
legacy project content...
your "why" expression.
cherished stories.
life meaning moments.
values and beliefs.
spiritual journey.
strength and resilience.
your joys and your regrets.
life celebrations and challenges.
collection of cherished artifacts.
inspirations - people or events that had great meaning to you.