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legacy cafes

compass rose legacy

At Compass Rose Legacy Cafe, we offer a safe and welcoming space
for you to explore your life stories and those of your loved ones.
Our interactive events, community workshops and seminars provide a platform for meaningful conversation, exploration, and reflection. We invite you to be part of our legacy community and join us in cultivating a supportive,collaborative and compassionate environment to share your life legacy.


We facilitate a variety of different legacy cafes.
You are welcomed in the community that focuses on your journey.


Community Cafes – held in-person and virtually
Join your neighbors and friends as we explore the “how-tos” of curating your legacy journey. We have interactive time on photo organization, legacy project ideas, and sharing of our life stories. These events are held monthly within local senior communities, public libraries, and park district facilities. Also, we do a zoom gathering.

For Caregivers, Doulas, Hospice, and Professional Photo Colleagues – virtual zoom gathering
Do you need to share and debrief your client experiences? We offer a place to learn and grow together.
Emphasis is on self-care. Discover new ways to talk “legacy” with your clients. We hold a space of grace and understanding.

“Carry The Fire” Café  - held in-person and virtually
Carry the Fire is a unique service to honor your loved one's legacy. In this compassionate community, you can reflect on the legacy your loved one has left to you and how you are living it out in your life.  We will carry the light of your loved on by sharing their stories, honoring their legacy, and holding them close in our hearts. Additionally, you can think about the legacy you want to leave to your loved ones. We will help you find the words and actions that will illuminate the path now and for generations to come - a living legacy that will help your loved ones carry on your light.  

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